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Scholarship Program

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Scholarship Program

DSWA Scholarship Program

The Delaware Solid Waste Authority offers two college scholarships to Delaware students studying Engineering or other Environmental Studies Programs

John P. Healy Memorial Scholarship

The John P. Healy Memorial Scholarship awards one $2,500 scholarship annually. The scholarship will be awarded to a full-time student who majors in engineering or environmental studies at an accredited university or college. The scholarship is renewable for a total of four years on the basis of maintaining a 3.0 GPA, remaining in an engineering or environmental studies major at an accredited university or college, and completing a DSWA renewal form.  Applications are accepted year-round; the application deadline is April 30th of each year. The chosen applicant will be notified of their award by July 1.

Eligibility Requirements:

-Must be a Delaware Resident

-Major in an Environmental Focused Major, including:
Environmental Studies
Environmental Education
Environmental Science
Other related environmental fields

-Must be a senior in a Delaware high school, Homeschool, or veteran of the U.S. armed services

-Completed Essay

-Official Transcript

Essay Question:
Tell us in 500 words or less what has influenced you to pursue a career in Engineering or Environmental Studies and how do you see yourself using your degree in the future? 

Selection Criteria:
The entirety of the recipient’s application will be considered, but the recipient should possess a passionate interest in engineering or environmental studies.

All applications and supporting materials must be submitted to the Delaware Solid Waste Authority no later than April 30th at 11:59pm

About John P. “Pat” Healy 

John P. “Pat” Healy was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Delaware Solid Waste Authority in June 1994 and continued on the Board until his untimely passing in June 2003. He was a generous person who believed in serving the citizens of Delaware. He encouraged and supported education and environmental improvement programs in Delaware.

Theodore “Toby” Ryan Memorial Scholarship

The Theodore “Toby” Ryan Memorial Scholarship awards one $2,500 scholarship annually. The scholarship will be awarded to a full-time student who plans to major in any area of Environmental Studies or Engineering at an accredited university or college. The scholarship is renewable for a total of four years on the basis of maintaining a 3.0 GPA, remaining in an approved major at an accredited university or college, and completing a DSWA renewal form.  Applications are accepted year-round; the application deadline is April 30th of each year. The chosen applicant will be notified of their award by July 1.

Eligibility Requirements:

-Must be a Delaware Resident

-Major in an Environmental Focused Major, including:
Environmental Studies
Environmental Education
Environmental Science
Other related environmental fields

-Must be a senior in a Delaware high school, Homeschool or Veteran of the U.S. armed services

-Completed Essay

-Official Transcript

Essay Question:
Tell us in 500 words or less about where you envision a degree in environmental studies or engineering taking you. Specifically include any attributes or characteristics from your background that can help contribute to diversity in the field of environmental studies. (Examples include but not limited to education, socioeconomic background, gender, race, nationality, unique abilities, personal experiences, hardships, etc.)

Selection Criteria:
The entirety of the recipient’s application will be considered but the recipient should possess a passionate interest in environmental issues with an emphasis on diversity impacts.

All applications and supporting materials must be received by Delaware Solid Waste Authority at either the email address or mailing address listed below no later than April 30th. Word and/or PDF files sent by email will be accepted by the due date.

About Theodore “Toby” Ryan 

Mr. Ryan was a member of the Delaware Solid Waste Authority Board of Directors from January 1979 to March 2015. Mr. Ryan had a strong commitment and passion for service to the Delaware Solid Waste Authority. During his 36-year term, he attended nearly all Board and Committee meetings. In addition he served as Chairman of the Citizen’s Affairs Committee from 2005 to 2015. In the early 1990’s he was very instrumental in the construction of the Pine Tree Corners Transfer Station, which helped to provide convenient waste disposal and recycling options for southern New Castle County.  Upon retirement from the Board of Directors Mr. Ryan was awarded the Order of the First State by Governor Jack Markell. Mr. Ryan passed away in January 2021.