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Can I win scholarships if I didn't do extracurricular activities?

QUESTION: After searching for scholarships, I realized that I don't have any outstanding achievements. I am an ordinary kid in school who didn't really get involved with school activities. Will I have to pay the price for my general disinterest in extracurricular activities when it comes time to apply for scholarships? Signed, Ordinary

Dear Ordinary: You don't have to be valedictorian, captain of the basketball team or the holder of a patent for a better mousetrap to be considered outstanding. Remember that what is outstanding is subjective.

Think about what you have done. Did you ever lead or organize an activity informally or outside of school? You don't have to be the president of a club to make a contribution to it and show leadership.

Also, consider your involvement outside of school. Did you work? Holding down a job while going to school demonstrates maturity and time management. Were you involved in activities such as church or volunteer work? Do you write poetry or draw cartoons? What do you do in your free time?

As you are applying for scholarships, think broadly about what you have done. We think you will find more to write about than you think. Draw on examples from your most important personal achievements.

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Gen & Kelly Tanabe

Gen and Kelly Tanabe are the founders of SuperCollege and the award-winning authors of 11 books on college admission, financial aid and scholarships. Together they were accepted to all of the Ivy League colleges and won more than $100,000 in merit-based scholarships to graduate from Harvard debt-free.